Dear Mesa Global Partners,
My heart was warmed as I read the stories in this report. About a Kenyan pastor. An Afghan immigrant in Phoenix. A Thai church planter in Bangkok. I choked back tears. I wasn’t sure why, so I slowed down to ask God what was going on in my heart.
I am moved by the way our global workers faithfully do their ministry. Missionaries have a special, strategic role in God’s global mission.
I’m amazed by the brothers and sisters in Christ we work with in over 50 nations—by their dedication to making Jesus known in their nations no matter how hard the context.
And I’m brought to tears by the yearning hearts of human beings who are made in God’s image but do not yet know Christ. And how God sees every person and draws them by his love and grace.
In a world of wars and rumors of wars, corruption, injustice, and brokenness all around, the power of these stories can be summed up in one word: hope. The world is not hopeless because God is living and active and redeeming the world through Christ. Thank you for partnering with us to bring the hope of the gospel to the nations.

John Bernard
President & CEO, Mesa Global

Mesa Global is a bottom-up, everyone-in,
all-around-the-table kind of organization,
connecting folks with one goal in common:
to equip the church and its leaders
so that they embody the love of Jesus
for every person.

2023-2024 Program Highlights
Click through our program highlights to see the impact in the Mesa Global community.
Regional Training Hubs
The church in the global south is growing rapidly. The need for well-formed leaders grows with it. New approaches are needed to make training accessible to those outside the reach of current programs. Regional Training Hubs connect schools, training programs, and churches to meet that need. We launched our 5th hub in Anglophone Africa to facilitate collaboration, train local leaders, and multiply leaders for the church and its mission.
Key Impact:
Strengthened 33 seminaries to provide theological education for women in ministry.
Launched training that is now reaching 2,000 pastors in Sierra Leone.
Facilitated workshops enhancing online and transformational education throughout Africa.
Institutes for Excellence
Our Institutes for Excellence are week-long workshops that equip and empower theological educators worldwide.
This year, we:
Resumed in-person Institutes: in Ukraine and Africa.
Had 336 participants from 128 schools at 5 Institutes globally.
Fostered region-wide culture change in theological education by convening discussions on strengthening female faculty, bridging formal and non-formal education to multiply trainers, and partnering with churches to form leaders.
Spiritual Formation
We provide spaces for our global workers and national partners to be renewed in their relationship with Jesus and refreshed for long-term ministry effectiveness.
In FY24, we:
Hosted 3 in-person retreats
Conducted 21 spiritual formation training sessions for national leaders
Focus: Nurturing deep formation in Christ out of which flow effective relationships and healthy ministry
These initiatives strengthen our spiritual foundations, ensuring that our workers and the leaders we equip are well-formed to do ministry in Jesus’ way.
Mesa Scholars
Mesa Scholars builds the capacity of theological communities worldwide by appointing, equipping, and nurturing PhD and master’s level scholars within their faculties.
This year:
4 new Mesa Scholars appointed who will serve for a minimum of 5 years in their contexts
Serving in Brazil, Greece, United Kingdom, and Peru
Our missional scholars are catalysts for growth and excellence in theological training around the world.
Mesa Interns
Mesa Interns acquire valuable cross-cultural ministry experience serving alongside our workers and local partners for 2 months–2 years.
This year:
15 new Mesa Interns appointed
Serving in 7 countries
Fostering the next generation of global ministry leaders through cross-cultural experience and mentorship.
Our scholarship program empowers future ministry leaders and researchers:
Distributed $347,000 in scholarship funding through select partner seminaries
Served 28 schools in 24 countries
Impact: Enabling emerging leaders to benefit from theological education and fostering innovative research
Celebrating our Supporters
Your generosity fuels our mission. This year, we're thrilled to welcome:
2,133 first-time donors joining our community to see lives transformed and church leaders equipped globally.
From the field
A Kenyan pastor. An Afghan immigrant in Phoenix. A Thai church planter in Bangkok. Read the stories below to see what God is doing among the nations through our Mesa Global workers.

Reviving Rural Churches

How Afghan Tea Time Brewed Gospel Curiosity

From Disowned to Disciple-Maker
Impact at a glance
We work to see the gospel take root across cultures.
We believe the church is most vibrant and true to itself when it flourishes in its local context, and is multiplied on a global scale, spanning cultures, languages, and nations. Over the past year we saw:
Board of Directors

David Dwight

John Bernard

Matt Boyd

Steve Cahill

Albert Chen

Michele Dudley

Jill Esau

Keyla Pavia
Norie Roeder

Elizabeth Sendek

Lorna Stern

Daniel Solito

Hank Wood

Mesa Global Revenue and Expenses
Here is a glimpse into our revenue sources and distribution of expenses.

Moving forward together
Since 1946, we've been committed to equipping servant leaders for the church and God’s mission. As we reflect on our journey, we're filled with gratitude for the countless lives touched and communities transformed.
Our story is marked by a great many dedicated men and women who have gone out as missionaries as well as the national partners with whom we have served—a testament to the power of coming together around the table.
Looking ahead, we're focused on:
• Deepening partnerships for training and education
• Strengthening our focus on equipping in all we do
• Fostering a culture of care and growth for our team
• Committing to sustainable practices for long-term impact
As we start this next chapter, we invite you to continue this journey with us. Together, we can empower the next generation of church leaders, spreading hope and gospel transformation across the globe.
Thank you for being part of our story. By God’s grace, the best is yet to come!