Go where you’re called. Serve with your gifts.
At Mesa Global, we encourage global workers to serve with the skills God has given them. Find ministry opportunities in pastoral training, education, justice and mercy work, church planting, business as mission, and more.
Related ministry opportunities:
Trainer for cross-cultural ministry skills
Avance Internship Director
Training Hub Team Member
Mesa Scholar
Related ministry opportunities:
Church Planting Facilitator
Discipler among indigenous groups
Related ministry opportunities:
Sex Trafficking Outreach Worker
Minister to women and children at risk
Deaf Community Outreach Worker
Related ministry opportunities:
Content Manager and Creator for the mobilization of the church
Business as Mission Administrator
K-12 Educator & Educational Leader
- Pray for unity, wisdom, and direction for our workers and volunteers.
- Pray for God’s grace as we expand partnerships with key leaders in the region.
- Pray for fruit from our Regional Training Hub initiatives aiming to equip and develop leaders.
- Pray that children and youth would have access to good education and dignified work that will help them contribute to the health of their communities.
- Pray for protection and effectiveness for those combating human trafficking.
- Pray for more global workers serving alongside long-term partner ministries involved in evangelism, discipleship, and leadership development.
- Pray for a deeper impact in each neighborhood from an incarnated love of Christ in every church.
- Pray for well-trained leaders who will serve the church and its mission.

Training and Education
Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Hub
We celebrate the growth of the church in this region and are moved by the ongoing challenge leaders face to access biblical, theological, and ministerial training. Together with our partners, we have identified needs for pastoral and leadership skills, cross-cultural training, and resources related to spiritual formation, church planting, ministry and sustainability.
Sample Hub Activities:
Two consultations with 15 church planting congress shaped plans to convene a church planters congress in 2025.
Mentoring for church planters in Colombia provided a model for replication in 3 other countries.
45 leaders participated in spiritual formation consultation and retreat.
30 pastors and leaders from 7 countries participated in leadership formation track using orality and adult learning methods.
Future Hub Plans:
172 indigenous pastors in Bolivia and Argentina will use contextualized training material to equip 500 other leaders throughout their communities.
Training for 50 leaders of missionary sending organizations on cross-cultural servanthood.
Networking with churches, seminaries and refugee ministries in Brazil.
Leadership training for 30 rural pastors in Colombia.

Serve With Us
Serve with the support of our community
You don’t have to take your next step in missions alone. Tell us what you’re looking for, and our ministry team will guide you in the right direction and start gathering the resources you need.

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Where We Work
Kingdom work, made local
Check out our work in four other regions of the world.