Go where you’re called. Serve with your gifts.
At Mesa Global, we encourage global workers to serve with the skills God has given them. Find ministry opportunities in pastoral training, education, justice and mercy work, church planting, business as mission, and more.
Related ministry opportunities:
Training Hub Team Member
Spiritual Formation Facilitator
Bible Teacher & Discipler
Ministry Mentors
Related ministry opportunities:
Urban Church Planter
Young Adult Discipler
Home Fellowship Leader
Church Planting Team Lead
Related ministry opportunities:
Urban Community Advocate
Anti-trafficking Worker
Holistic Youth Worker
Related ministry opportunities:
Digital Marketing Consultant
Business Entrepreneur
Healthcare Worker
School Teacher
- Pray for spiritual awakening across the region. For evangelism and church planting to be strengthened by lifelong discipleship.
- Pray for wisdom and strength for our global workers and Regional Training Hub teams across the region.
- Pray for God’s protection as Christians face increasing resistance in their communities.
- Pray for the trainers, mentors, and leaders who share Christ’s love and truth with their communities.
- Pray for the schools in the region that do not experience much freedom, causing the students, faculty, and their families to experience many challenges.
- Pray for justice and peace to prevail and for God’s hand over the region.
Training and Education
South Asia Regional Hub
In the diverse region of South Asia, we foster vital collaborations to build ministerial and pastoral capacity for the flourishing of the church. The church needs trainers and curriculum developers, resources for urban ministry, continuing education for pastors, support for women ministry leaders, and intergenerational spiritual formation resources.
Recent Hub Activities:
- Hub leader Jessy Jaison presented a paper on collaborative training and led a discussion on ‘The Shifting Culture in Theological Education’ at a gathering of leaders from 200 accredited seminaries.
- Connected faculty of 4 partner seminaries with contextual course designers, learning facilitators and non-formal training networks.
- Church-based training for 400 ministry leaders.
- 23 women faculty from seminaries gathered for fellowship and encouragement.
Future Hub Plans:
- Expand collaboration and training to isolated leaders in Bhutan.
- Mainstream mentoring and spiritual formation in training through workshops scheduled in five countries.
- Pilot a post-doctoral fellowship to promote church-strengthening research.
- Offer ongoing support to curriculum development for urban transformation, grassroots-level leader development, continuing education for pastors, and women’s formation.

Serve With Us
Serve with the support of our community
You don’t have to take your next step in missions alone. Tell us what you’re looking for, and our ministry team will guide you in the right direction and start gathering the resources you need.

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Where We Work
Kingdom work, made local
Check out our work in four other regions of the world.