Go where you’re called. Serve with your gifts.
At Mesa Global, we encourage global workers to serve with the skills God has given them. Find ministry opportunities in pastoral training, education, justice and mercy work, church planting, business as mission, and more.
Related ministry opportunities:
Contextualized Missions Trainer
Training Hub Team Member
Spiritual Formation Facilitator
Mesa Scholar
Related ministry opportunities:
Men's Rural Disciple Maker
Church Planting Mentor
Related ministry opportunities:
Trauma Healing Specialist
Holistic Development Worker
Related ministry opportunities:
Sustainable Agricultural Specialist
Environmental Engineer
International School Teacher (K-12)
Training Center Administrator
- Prayer for countries affected by conflict throughout Africa.
- Pray for the Lord’s peace to reign and bring stability to troubled parts of the continent.
- Pray for the church to offer stability and hope in challenging contexts.
- Please pray for the persecuted church in the region and for those national believers who desire to spread the gospel in the difficult places.
- Please pray for the ongoing training of national leaders through the work of our Regional Training Hub so that God might use these leaders to transform his church in the region.
- Please pray that each member of our global worker team would seek God first and thrive as they serve their community, the church, and the world.

Training and Education
Francophone Africa Regional Hub
In a part of the world dominated by instability, poverty, and an Islamic worldview, the Lord is at work calling people to himself. The church needs rural pastors and church planters who are deeply formed in the Word and ways of Jesus. Training priorities include Bible, theology and leadership knowledge, spiritual formation, and 'tent-making' skills.
Recent Hub Activities:
Church planters from countries returned through our residential church planter training program. After training, they returned to spread the gospel and establish churches in some of the region’s most difficult and resistant contexts.
Tent-maker training provided in both Senegal and Chad provides participants with practical tools to mobilize resources for God’s mission to the unreached.
Future Hub Plans:
Establish a Regional Research Center to serve the church and determine future training priorities. Targeted research is needed to better understand the state of the church and its most pressing needs, to shape current training initiatives around actual needs, to identify gaps in current approaches, and to mobilize partners to join the work.

Training and Education
Anglophone Africa Regional Hub
The church in Sub-Saharan Africa will represent 40% of the world’s Christians by 2050 but, according to research, 95% of its leaders are not sufficiently trained. Specific needs include mentoring emerging leaders, upskilling current leaders to meet new ministry challenges, promoting women in theological education, and fostering collaboration between churches and seminaries.
Recent Hub Activities:
Heads of school and women faculty from 33 seminaries designed action plans for promoting women in theological education.
Workshops across the continent built capacity for online learning and transformational education at theological schools.
Facilitated a consortium of churches and 4 seminaries in Sierra Leone to develop a contextual ministry training course now reaching 2000 rural pastors.
Consulted with 20 faculty members at a partner seminary on organizational and professional growth.
Future Hub Plans:
Mentorship program for emerging leaders in theological education.
Workshops for rural pastors in the areas of leadership, administration, discipleship, counseling and preaching.
Consultation with church leaders to verify research on the state of the church and leadership training needs in Africa.
Institutes for Excellence in East and West Africa addressing collaborative networks and leader development.

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