You feel the stirring towards a call in global missions. Now what? Finding the right agency to be sent through can make or break your time on the field. Knowing which agency is a right fit for you can be discerned through the Lord's leading and some good questions. We've compiled a few of the most common questions (and follow-up questions!) we receive for you to use as a guide as you connect with mission agencies:
1. Are you denominational or interdenominational?
What are the benefits/challenges of being denominational or interdenominational?
Would I be a good fit for this agency based on my denominational background?
2. What's your statement of faith?
What are the essential aspects of faith that you require of your missionaries?
3. What term lengths do you offer?
What length of time do you recommend I serve based on what I've shared?
How often do your missionaries go on furlough/home assignment?
4. How are your missionaries funded?
Do your missionaries raise their own funds/salaries or are they paid by the organization, a church, etc.?
What does that process look like?
5. Where do your missionaries serve globally?
Where are the current openings?
Where are the greatest needs?
What are your location recommendations for me based on my skills and desires?
6. What types of ministry roles do you have?
How do you decide where missionaries are placed?
How do you determine their role?
Do those roles change?
What roles might be a good fit for me, based on my skillset?
7. What's your ministry philosophy?
How do your missionaries do ministry on the field (church planting, discipleship, mentoring, etc.)?
How do you interact with nationals?
How do you define "success" in ministry?
8. What does your application process look like?
What are the steps required to complete the process (application, interviews, orientation, training, fundraising, etc.)
How long does this process typically take?
9. What pre-field training do you offer?
What type of pre-field training do you offer?
What does that training look like? How long is it, and at what point in the application process should it happen?
Does your agency do their own training or is it done by an outside company?
10. What type of support is provided for missionaries on the field?
Do you offer any ongoing training, conferences, spiritual retreats, counseling, etc, once missionaries get to the field?
Who works with missionaries in the event of a natural disaster, civil unrest, or other unexpected emergency?
We hope you feel more equipped to have your next conversation with a missions agency. We're praying for you and are here if you have any questions regarding your next steps in global missions!
If you are interested in talking to a coach about your next step with Mesa Global, click here.

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