God continues to use our medical clinic to proclaim His glory as a venue for sowing Gospel seeds with the many patients we encounter every day; as well as envisioning, equipping, and reaching our staff—many of whom are not believers.
Recently we encountered an intense time at the clinic where roughly 40 patients were affected by serious inflammation after an eye injection. Our staff was anxious about the well-being of the patients and exhausted from the need to treat them both medically and physically during this difficult time. Our team is committed to reading God’s word together weekly and during this period we read Psalm 16 together with our staff about the joy of the Lord being our strength even in tough times.
As we turned to God, we discussed what it means that His joy can strengthen us, that He shows us the path of life and that in His presence is fullness of joy and pleasure forevermore. We saw clearly that this joy is not something we build up in ourselves, but it is the gift of our gracious God. It’s exciting to see the truth of God lived out in as we walk through life side-by-side with patients and staff here in Central Asia.

Stories from the Field