Growing up in a life of animism, Sonko became a believer in his early 20s and learned what it means to pass from spiritual darkness into the light that Jesus brings. As our Mesa Global team trained him to disciple others through his local church in rural Senegal, Sonko began sharing the Gospel, and his fellow villagers were receptive. The message of grace and freedom was so different from the fear and worry that marked their lives, and soon people were being baptized!
Sonko began scheduling meetings with villagers who expressed faith in Jesus and those who wanted to hear more. He invested his time training leaders, and two churches emerged in two different villages.
Sonko felt Jesus’ call to go to a small town about 15 miles away, where Islam was thoroughly entrenched. With the equivalent of three dollars in his pocket and a small backpack slung over his shoulder holding his Bible, a Christian book, and a few clothes, he traveled to this new town where he knew no one. Within six months, he was discipling many people in several small groups. At the first Sunday service several months later, more than 30 people gathered for worship!
Through highs and lows, with persecution and victory, Sonko is resolved to make Christ known. Planting churches, discipling, and then moving on to new fields, he is training up others so they may be sent out as church planters.
Mesa Global exists to reach people like Sonko. You, too, can join us as we train Senegalese believers to reach their neighbors and the unreached peoples of West Africa.

Stories from the Field