As we stay on track with our mission and vision statements, to impact Brazil with the message of the Gospel, we have begun construction of our second campsite.
Our first camp is completed (Camp Victoria) and is used to serve churches in retreats and host our winter and summer camp seasons for kids and teens.
Camp 2 is starting to be developed and will serve couples and families. Church leaders constantly tell us of the urgent need for a Christian camp site designed specifically for couple and families. There are no Christian camps in central Brazil that offer this type of ministry to couples and families at costs that are affordable to most Brazilian couples and families.
This new camp will be built in the middle of our wooded area alongside Blue Lake. Our property has over 260 acres of incredible wilderness.
You can participate through prayer, financially or by coming on a missions trip.
Come participate in what God is doing in Brazil!
"He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose."
- Jim Elliot

Please check back in soon.