John and Melinda Bernard have been missionaries with Mesa Global, previously known as UWM since 1989, and John has served as President since 2002. Prior to returning to serve in organizational leadership, John and Melinda completed a four-year term of missionary service in Spain. John served in the areas of evangelism, discipleship, and leadership development with the goal of preparing Spaniards for church planting and church leadership. Before serving as a missionary, John served as local church pastor in New Hampshire.
John earned a Doctor of Ministry from Columbia International University in 2005 with a dissertation focused on training church planters in Vietnam. John earned the Master of Divinity degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in 1987, and is ordained by the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference (CCCC). He serves as elder-at-large for the Medway Village Church (Medway, MA) and as an Elder at Forest Hill Church in Charlotte, NC.
John and Melinda have been married for thirty years and make their home in Fort Mill, South Carolina. John and Melinda have two sons, a daughter, daughter-in-law, and a grandson. John’s interests include reading, golf, cycling, and avidly following the Red Sox, Patriots, and Celtics!