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When I arrived in Mexico City, I came out of a deep sense of purpose and love for Jesus Christ. With a deep desire to see His bride, the church, grow and strengthen; I began this journey of diving deeply into Mexican culture and the Spanish language. However along the way, I learned a few things. First, the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. And second, that two years is far too little time to accomplish this goal.

I am appointed as a full time missionary with Avance Mexico, as the Ministerial Relations Coordinator. I will be overseeing the program by networking with pastors, ministries, and host families to keep the program running smoothly and at full capacity. As well as continue the work God has set before me; to share the gospel Jesus Christ, to mentor nationals, to equip the missionary leaders of tomorrow through our program, and to see Christ’s name proclaimed and glorified before all the nations of the earth

  • That Christ will be glorified in all that we do.
  • That the Mexican churches and ministries will flourish and be strengthened.
  • That we will have more opportunities to to build bridges with folks here and lead them into deeper relationship with Christ.