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We have served in Mexico with LAM (and then Mesa Global) since 1983. My ministry has centered around training believers for local church ministry. Currently I direct the Cross Cultural Missionary training program at the Mexican Theological Baptist Seminary in Mexico City.

Our first two students are currently starting yearlong internships in Mexico and North Africa. My role as director gives me the opportunity to counsel local churches as they develop mission projects. As well I am a resident counselor to the students of the Seminary. In addition, I teach cross cultural mission classes at Christ for the Nations Mexico. Graduates from the two schools can be found ministering as missionaries on all continents of the world.

Donna works as one of three illustrators for a Wycliffe missionary who, along with her team of deaf nationals, are translating the Bible into Mexican Sign Language. The deaf of Mexico have the books of Jonah, Ruth, Philemon translated and filmed in DVD form with drawings added to aid those who don't speak sign or aren't fluent in the language. Donna is currently working on the book of Mark. In addition, Donna works with the Women of the Word Bible study ministry for bi-lingual women in their church. She also has a group that meets with her locally that also serves as an opportunity to practice their English for Mexican women missionaries about to leave for their fields of service.