Turning the position of Executive Director over to our son, Marcos, last year, Dinho is now head of the Training Department. We have 3 types of training from 1 month for people wanting to work in camps and retreats to 6 months for people wanting to start a camp. We also have a 4-day course training onhow to use radical sports (canoe, kayak, zip line, bike, etc.) in camp ministry.
Dinho, an ordained pastor, also teaches Bible studies to our staff and volunteers. He just published the third edition of his book on Christin camps and retreats. He is now in the process of putting the Camp Leadership Training on-line so people who cannot come to month long training at camp can do part on-line. Ginny makes lots of cakes. especially birthday cakes, takes pictures for camp, leads the staff ladies Bible study, and answers e-mails.
We are serving in Brazil with Victoria Ministries, a Christian camping ministry.
- Pray Dinho will be able to finish filming and put the rest of the Camp Leadership Training on-line.
- Pray the on-line training will be able to reach more people, including countries where Portuguese is spoken.
- Pray with us for more full-time staff and their support.