Since 1991, I have served as a professor in the area of Biblical studies at the interdenominational Evangelical Seminary of Caracas (SEC).
I currently mentor several new professors in the area of Biblical languages. I also coordinates Student Care at the Seminary as they seek to form a supportive and Christ-centered community for commuter students who are serving the Lord in diverse contexts in Venezuela.
Students and professors from sixty different Christian congregations meet at the Evangelical Seminary of Caracas, brothers and sisters in Christ, serving His Church in Venezuela, carrying the Gospel to the world, beginning in Caracas. The students travel to the Seminary from different parts of Caracas and from outside the city.
The seminary students are actively involved in different Christian churches and are from varied backgrounds in society: pastors, retired schoolteachers, musicians, university students, mothers, youths, older adults, and others. What they all have in common is their love of the Lord Jesus Christ, their involvement in the ministry in His Kingdom and a desire for further preparation in order to serve Him better.
- Please pray for the Lord’s wisdom and direction for the Seminario Evangélico de Caracas as they seek to serve Christ together in Venezuela.