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We are serving with ESEPA Seminary and the Costa Rican sending agency FEDEMEC in San José, Costa Rica, to support Latin Americans who dedicate their lives to share the love of Jesus Christ among those who have never heard of Him or even yet have the Bible in their own language.

Our vision is the formation of Christ’s character in these Latin brothers and sisters. Paul teaches Cross-cultural Ministry courses and together with Nancy we provide training in issues of the heart, to strengthen the work of these individuals among unreached peoples around the world. Once these cross-cultural workers are living in their countries of service, together with a Latin Member Care team, we follow through by caring for their emotional, spiritual and physical needs.

We have one son who is married.

  • For wisdom and humility for walking alongside Latin cross-cultural workers.
  • For discernment of the Lord’s priorities in family and ministry opportunities.
  • For financial and other needs.