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We are thrilled to continue serving the Lord through UWM according to the gifts and passions He has given us.

I (Carrie) am now the Member Care Team Leader for Mesa Global. I'm working with the Member Care Coordinators who serve our global workers, implementing a more proactive approach to Member Care, improving the support we provide for first-term workers, supporting our initiative to care more holistically for our families on the field with children, and stepping to to support workers in crisis.

Justin continues to lead the technology team for ProMETA, an online seminary whose administrative office is in Costa Rica. Justin works to implement and maintain technological solutions that will improve the experience of both ProMETA's staff and students.

  • Pray for us as we undergo the long process of adapting back to life in the States (particularly for Carrie after spending over a decade in Central America).
  • Pray for us in our respective ministries, that the Lord would use us and impact others for His glory.
  • Pray for the financial support we raise through UWM to be stable and strong.