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During Mark and Nancy´s time in Ecuador they saw ENCAMINA Global, Inc legally established in Ecuador and registered with the Ecuadorian government. Mark and Nancy, as members of the ENCAMINA Global-Ecuador administrative board, have located in US to establish ENCAMINA Global-USA and to travel back and forth to Latin America to assist in the growth and the promotion of ENCAMINA´s exciting and fruitful training ministry.

“God does not ask us to open our heart to something that He has not placed on it, but God is calling His people to do something that He has placed on their heart to help accomplish something that has always been on His heart, redeeming lost sheep and taking them to full joy, incredible productivity and spiritual fruitfulness.” - anonymous

Is 60:22 “a little one will become a 1000... I, the Lord will do this in his time.”


* 1.3 million immigrants reside in Dallas, or 18 percent of the total population

* 4.6 million immigrants reside in Texas, or 17 percent of the total population

* There are 24,000 ethnic groups in the world. More than six thousand of these 24,000 have never even heard of the name of Jesus, our only Savior (Acts 4:12).

Mark and Nancy have been blessed with the vision to mobilize, prepare, and equip 100 Kingdom worker-disciples in the Dallas metroplex Hispanic church community.

MISSION: by 2027, Equip and ENCAMINAR (guide side by side) Kingdom 100 workers committed to reach the multiethnic immigrants in the Dallas metroplex with the gospel of Jesus Christ (Mt 24:14)
VISION: Minister side by side with 15 Hispanic church communities to train and equip the 100 Kingdom workers

Mark and Nancy served in Quito, Ecuador with ENCAMINA Global, Incorporated for 38 years with the North Star Biblical promise of Nu 14:24. They have now transitioned back to the US to the UWM North American Region to establish ENCAMINA Global, forming a ministry team to equip the Hispanic Church community in the Dallas metroplex to reach the many multi-ethnic immigrants in the Dallas metroplex.