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Brian came to know Christ as a child while serving in the church. Later, he was led to evangelize and teach children the Bible. The Lord called Brian specifically to missionary service in Guatemala though his work as the Director of a Christian School and on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic.

Marta's devoted ministry to the church and especially her dedication to children's ministries caught Brian's attention.

Together they served administering in Guatemalan church association nine years before being called to Nicaragua.

At the invitation of another association, they moved to Nicaragua where for 21 years Brian taught evangelism, discipleship, Bible, hermeneutics, and a variety of other materials to train church members, leaders and pastors. Classes were formed in training centers located wherever small groups of students were willing to meet. To be more effective, he began teaching extension classes for the Nicaraguan Bible Institute and then moved to a full time position teaching on the campus in Managua.