Our Dream is to build and encourage vibrant networks of leaders who together multiply disciples, who renew and multiply local churches that glorify God, grow in likeness to Jesus, serve in our community by the power of the Holy Spirit and transform society.
Why England? Many churches are in serious decline, yet those who are connecting to their communities with Jesus love and His message of the Gospel are seeing transformation of lives and neighbourhoods. London and the UK have huge influence around the world, so helping bring renewal and revival is very strategic!
Our Father God is Awesome! He’s opened new doors for us to serve His kingdom in England. Penny’s women’s ministry has grown in depth and influence. Gary’s focus includes leading the Across Havering network of church leaders who work together to engage with some of the deepest needs in the community through Street Pastors and Rail Pastors (Gary chairs this), Foodbanks, Night Shelter, Schools work, & encourage church planting. We also host proclamation events like Andrew Palau and equip folks in local community evangelism. Prayer has been a priority during the Pandemic. Together we have hosted united regional prayer and worship evenings on Zoom and 24 hours of prayer days.
Teaching and empowering men and women through the School of Ministries in Uganda since 2006 has led to a heart to help children and young people get essential education, we take for granted. Without shoes children can't go to school in Uganda. We've started a new charity that opens doors to Christian education there: I Got Shoes.
We welcome your prayers, support, and potential partnership!