Kevin serves as the Director of Strategic Partnerships for Europe and Asia, based in Budapest, Hungary. We develop key projects and partnerships with local believers, which enhance and multiply church planting, leadership development and holistic ministries.
Kevin’s focus is on mobilizing believers, ministry leaders and organizations, and connecting them with Great Commission opportunities. As Director of Strategic Partnerships for Mesa Global, my vision is to help individuals and churches “find their niche” in missions to engage them in their areas of strength and common vision.
In missions today, the role of North American churches is shifting. Instead of only sending money and personnel, churches want to fully participate in missionary endeavors. A second shift is that increasing numbers of non-Western missionaries are joining the workforce. No longer is it ““from the West to the rest,” but rather “from everywhere to anywhere.” These shifts have sparked the need for strategic partnerships. We connect individuals and churches with opportunities to help fulfill the Great Commission.
- For spiritual vitality and focus.
- For total financial provision.
- For discernment in forging lasting partnerships for the Kingdom.