We are serving in Brazil with Faculdades Batista de Paraná (Curitiba, Paraná) and Seminário Martin Bucer (São José dos Campos, São Paulo).
Kathy and I help prepare future leaders for the Brazilian church through theological education. We are active in teaching, writing, mentoring and speaking in churches. I work as a professor of theology at the Baptist Theological College in the city of Paraná, with about 80 students each semester. Kathy and I also lecture and teach at other seminaries and churches. In addition, we are both writing books for Brazilian pastors and seminary students. I co-authored a systematic theology text with a Brazilian colleague that is widely used as a seminary textbook in Brazil.
Kathy and I lived in Brazil for ten years, but returned to the U.S. for health reasons. Although we currently live in Colorado, I travel to Brazil three times per year, usually for 4-5 weeks, to be present for teaching modules. I'm actively involved with students online during the time between trips. Kathy usually comes at least once each year for teaching. She also has ample opportunity to do counseling with students.
- Pray for our students as they face significant challenges in their personal lives, as well as their time and finances, to complete their studies.
- Pray for our health, especially Kathy as she continues her struggle with fibromyalgia.
- Pray for our book projects. Alan's isa textbook on apologetics to help train pastors in the defense of the faith. Kathy's is a book that will assist pastors in the area of counseling and building a healthy church. Both will be published in Brazil when completed.