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In my years of service in northern Uganda, my heart has been drawn more and more to ministry with emotionally traumatized people, rather than medical ministry, as I initially envisioned. After receiving certification through the Trauma Healing Institute, and training in the Freedom in Christ discipleship program, I have developed a ministry in leading emotional trauma healing groups and Freedom in Christ discipleship groups throughout Uganda, but concentrating on ministry in northernUganda and refugee camps bordering South Sudan and the DRC.

Along with my ministry partner, Bobby Bowen, I am blessed to be involved in emotional trauma healing ministry and discipleship in Arua and the Bidibidi refugee camp. Bobby and I also serve with East Africa Outreach, teaching the trauma healing program to student pastors, and leading trauma healing groups and training courses for prospective trauma healing group facilitators.

  • For God's wisdom and guidance in ministry - for ears to hear, and eyes to see God's purpose.
  • For continued and additional financial and prayer support to enable this ministry.
  • For God's guidance and provision for establishing an emotional trauma healing ministry and training center in Koboko, the town that borders Bidibidi, in the next few years.