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When my husband Ian died of a heart attack the year I turned 40, a sense of urgency arose to use what time I had left on earth wisely for the Lord. Four years in Kazakhstan with an Australian sending agency alerted me to the uniquely taxing challenges of global staff to stay healthy spiritually, emotionally and relationally. I commenced study in Spiritual Direction, Counseling, & Hospital Chaplaincy, feeling a strong call to return these vocational gifts to the missionary community.
This ministry is about caring for the mental health, Spiritual health, and Relational health of Mesa Global's global workers. It involves forming relationships of trust early in a candidate's connection to Mesa Global, helping them make increasing sense of and consolidation of their call, tracking with them through the rigors of support raising, being on-deck at pre-field training assisting candidates with psychological issues and exploring their theology of suffering, encouraging self-awareness and spiritual disciplines that stand them well for what is ahead, helping them transition as individuals and families to their field location, and supporting them through the challenges of first term. It is providing an intentional, relational, continuum of care, that seeks to nurture spiritual growth and provide both proactive care, crisis care, and reparative care through the medium of Spiritual Direction, counselling, and team, family, and individual emotional and spiritual debriefing.
- That I will never lose sight of the amazing grace in God's love for all humankind (and my own self).
- That I will increasingly see people through developmental eyes, seeing them as always on-the-way "FROM somewhere TO somewhere" in their faith walk, and growing in my capacity to exhibit patience and love as I accompany them.
- That my supporters would feel an integral part of the wonder of this ministry, and share in the joys and sorrows, working together for God's glory.