Coffee, Art, Music, type Place Inc. (or C.A.M.P. for short) in downtown Asheville is geared to evangelize and mentor the diverse culture of young adults who are interested in art and music. With several colleges and UPG that are funneling through the area, we have our work cut out for us. The need is great in Asheville. There is a very strong darkness which is evident in the witchcraft, evil eye, wooden idol worship, and individuals who are proudly stating their worship of Satan. So many of these young people are getting swayed to this darkness and they need to hear the truth. C.A.M.P. will be a safe location to share the good news, mentor them through the truth, and prayerfully get them off of living on the streets.
Danna is the founder and director of this nonprofit ministry. She will be running the day-to-day progress of the shop portion of the ministry while providing an avenue to reach the young people through these areas of interest.
- Please be in prayer for those who will be ministered to through this outreach. They come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
- Please pray for those who are a part of the community that will frequent the shop, that they will hear the good news and want to seek out the Lord for themselves.
- Please pray for Danna, Gil, the individuals wanting to help in the discipleship process, and the small board of directors who have come together to see that this ministry is well-cared for.