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After 6 million lives have been lost due to 30 years of conflict in the region, the time has come to rebuild and restore: all God’s children deserve dignity. We serve families affected by disability and small business owners in the Democratic Republic of Congo. We provide support groups and help fund medical interventions for families affected by disability, and offer knowledge, tools, mentorship, and seed funding to small business owners. We strive to bring dignity to our neighbors - whoever God puts in our community - as we encourage them to grow spiritually, personally, and financially.

Originally from worlds apart, Butoto from Congo and Adria from California, we met and were married in Congo in 2022. God joined our two worlds together and called us to be one. We have combined our passions and vision for ministry, and serve together as a family in Goma, North Kivu Province, Eastern DRC.

Adria has been with Mesa Global since 2017 in Kenya, Uganda and now DR Congo, serving families affected by disability. After spending a year abroad getting his Masters, Butoto returned to Congo with a vision for helping people get out of poverty through business ventures.

Thank you for joining us through meaningful friendship, faithful prayer, and generous financial partnership. It is a privilege and a responsibility to do life in this place, with these people, alongside all of you. We’re blessed to say, “tuko pamoja”, or, “we are together”. Thank you!

  • That we would seek God’s face and be committed to His Word at all times and in every place.
  • That God would restore peace and raise up Godly leaders in every sphere of life in the DRC.
  • That God would equip us as we anticipate our first child’s arrival in summer 2024.