Why Southeast Asia?

We are not promised tomorrow. Our need for God is urgent––eternally urgent. Over 3 billion people in the world today have little or no access to the gospel, and when less than 2% of the population have access, they’re considered “unreached”.
The country we’re headed to (withheld for security reasons), with its rapidly growing population and sweeping societal changes, is becoming increasingly receptive to the gospel. However, it remains one of the most unreached countries in East Asia- especially in the Northern part of the country. There are abundant opportunities to connect with people in both urban and rural areas, creating an urgent need for more workers to share the hope of Jesus.
The Launch Plan
We go as learners. Learning the language and culture is essential for us to communicate the Good News and walk alongside local believers sustainably. We’ll heavily focus our first years on learning and partnering with work already being done with other organizations church planting in our city.
Leading a new team to serve as a launch pad for new workers to be trained and sent out, our work will center on planting churches and building relationships in villages and cities with little to no gospel access: raising up local believers and walking alongside them in faith to raise up local churches in their context. Our dream is that all people would be given the chance to know the hope and salvation in their Creator- to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
The Vision
Our vision for our area is to see the Gospel shared, hearts turned to Christ, and Gospel-centered churches planted in cities as well as villages, among the unreached, for the glory of God and the salvation of the lost. We work with the goal of seeing 4th generation churches planted among every language group of the *Trek people group in Southeast Asia. (*changed for security)

Be An Essential Part of the Work in Southeast Asia
Whether you're going, praying, or sending, we all have a part in the Great Commission. The good news: through joining our team as a monthly ministry partner, you’ll be an active part of a community that’s critical to getting the hope of Christ to those who have never heard. We’d love to be a part of this work together.
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