After I returned to India in 2021, I continued serving at my local church, Good News Centre in New Delhi. I am serving as the Discipleship Coordinator in my church. I invest my life to equip every individual, especially women, to become bold and faithful disciple-makers who can boldly share the gospel with everyone they meet. Most of the women are from Hindu or Muslim backgrounds. Also, we equip them and empower them to become financially independent. We do this by doing Bible studies. discipleship trainings, teaching them tailoring (sewing). We provide sewing machines and supplies for them to learn and practice sewing so that they can learn a skill and start their own business. Becoming independent financially helps them to stay away from domestic violence and other forms of abuse. As they learn sewing, they hear about Jesus and are discipled.
My goal is to continue to equip every woman in the Word of God to become disciple-makers.
- Effectiveness in witness and discipleship.
- The community to grow in their faith amid challenges and persecution.
- For the Lord's provision to expand the work.