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We have a skills program for vulnerable, drop-out girls in the village. These girls have the unique opportunity to continue their education to boost their level of academics, specifically for business, as well as participate in skills training. Alongside their education, we value the precious time we have with them to share the love and Word of God. I teach 2 Bible classes to these girls as well as a cultural geography class.

Additionally, I lead a youth group ministry where we teach the Bible to the young adults in our community once a week. I also have an amazing team of youth leaders who have been taught, trained, and sent to teach the Word of God to our youth.

I have also launched a 6-month Discipleship Training Program for local church leaders to be equipped to intentionally disciple their church members. We examine Scripture and the life of Jesus to learn how to better 'go, and make disciples' through the calling and gifting God has given us.

  • Pray that God would continue to equip me for ministry to the girls in our program, specifically the ones who come from muslim or traditional belief backgrounds, so that I can intentionally love and lead them well.
  • Pray for more discipleship relationships to ignite in our community so we can see our brothers and sisters grow closer to the Lord.
  • Pray that God would be glorified through every thing we do through our programs and that we would be spirit-led in every interaction.