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Phillip and Beauty Ndoro work in urban poor communities on the southeast edge of Mexico City. They are currently working in slum areas in the municipalities of Chimalhuacán, Chalco, Texcoco and Los Reyes La Paz. Their passion is to take God’s Kingdom into communities by planting churches that bring holistic transformation to communities. They currently oversee 4 house churches that they would like to grow into a church planting movement.

They, also, strongly believe that real transformation comes through healed people who pursue healing in their relationships. To achieve this goal they run inner healing / psycho-emotional-spiritual recovery ministries for women, men and children in these slum areas.

As part of their strategy for community transformation, they engage in economic empowerment programs, community organizing, literacy programs, youths project and kids project.

To ensure sustainable transformation, we identify and develop local leaders that help lead the work.‍

  • Pray for committed leaders for the house churches and pray that we may get more team members for our church planting and discipleship ministries.
  • Pray for the healing of men, women and children who participate in the recovery groups.
  • Pray that many may confess Christ as their Lord and Savior, as we engage in evangelism.