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J.D. is a missional scholar with Mesa Global's Theological Education Initiative. He serves as a New Testament professor at Tyndale Theological Seminary. Tyndale is an international, evangelical seminary near Amsterdam that trains pastors, missionaries, church planters, Bible school professors, and denominational leaders from all over the globe. Most Tyndale students come from countries (primarily in Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe) where access to affordable seminary / graduate-level theological education is either limited or non-existent. Tyndale is able to offer scholarships to these students because faculty raise their own support through various missions agencies. The vast majority of Tyndale graduates return to serve in their home countries. Today, over 80 different nations are represented among Tyndale’s alumni.

Alice serves as the Associate National Director of Asian American Ministries for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA.

  • Having 10-20 different nationalities in one classroom creates unique learning opportunities and teaching challenges. Pray that my students and I would humbly learn from each other and discern our own cultural biases in the interpretation of Scripture.
  • Pray that I would help students to develop exegetical skill, hermeneutical wisdom, and love for Jesus.
  • Pray for our family. Pray that our children would be rooted in the gospel of grace and be a light and a blessing to those around them.