I’m currently serving full-time at Escuela de Estudios Pastorales (ESEPA) in San Jose, Costa Rica. I serve the Executive Director as well as Faculty Professor of Bible and Theology. I oversee the overall operations, programs and ensures the institution's mission and goals are achieved. I also teach different classes from Old and New Testament surveys, to Hermeneutics and Homiletics.
ESEPA is a seminary dedicated to equipping Christian leaders with the necessary theological education to effectively serve their communities and build the Kingdom of God.
I have a passion for teaching and guiding the saints to a proper and truthful understanding of the word of God. I’m filled with joy when someone gets to a deeper understanding of a Biblical concept and their face lights up.
My hope is to see a generation of individuals and churches that are equipped and well-prepared to lead others to the truths of the Gospel, and furthermore to glorify God and be a light to others.
- For faithful supporters who are willing to join this mission.
- For my students, as I continue to teach them and guide them to a deeper understanding of the word of God.
- For myself, may the Lord keep my heart humble and eyes fixed on him.