For 15 amazing years we traversed the trails, winding roads, windswept mountaintops, and hidden valleys of the majestic Himalayas attempting to engage unreached people groups with the good news of Jesus.
Now the Heavenly Father has led our family back to our passport country to engage unreached people that can be found here in North America.
Our goals are the same here as they were there: seek, build, reap. We hope to seek out unreached peoples in the places where they live, work, and worship. We hope to build authentic friendships with them and share the Goodnews of Jesus. We hope to reap a harvest as the unreached believe and become a part of vibrant churches.
What a glorious calling to be caught up in! May the Lord be known and worshipped by all the beautiful peoples that he created and loves!
- Please pray that unreached peoples in North America would have soft hearts and would clearly hear the gospel in a way they can understand.
- Please pray that the friends and believers we left in the Himalayas would be strengthened in their faith and would be bold bearers of the gospel.
- Please pray that the Heavenly Father would give us wisdom, grace, and boldness as we attempt to engage the unreached here in North America.