Since September 2022, I have been serving in ministry in Mexico City. Over this past year and a half, I have served with youth and college students, in addition to translating resource documents (English/Spanish) toward the acceleration of the translation of the Bible into many of the 364 indigenous languages of Mexico. As I transition into serving as a long-term missionary through Mesa Global, it is clear that God has called me to be a part of mobilizing the Mexican church to send missionaries to contexts largely unreached with the Gospel, as well as to be a part of discipling the next generation of youth in Mexico City!
- That God would raise up a generation of youth in Mexico City passionate about the Gospel.
- That God’s presence would fill and continue to lead the organizations that I will be working with in Mexico City & that the Church in Mexico Citywould continue to radiate the light of the Gospel.
- That the Mexican Church would heed the call to "go and makedisciples of all nations" and many Mexican believers would sense a serveas missionaries in unreached places of the world (Matthew 28:19).
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