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Within the area of equipping specialized Christian workers, whether in Western or Majority World seminaries, a need exists in biblical back grounds which has largely not been fulfilled. A grasp of biblical backgrounds results in a deeper and complete understanding of Scripture, which helps us as fellow workers feed and equip our congregants in the local church.

As a Mesa Scholar, we intend to address this need by offering related courses in Biblical/Near Eastern Archaeology and Historical Geography/Lands of the Bible at interested Majority World colleges and seminaries to inform specialized Christian workers of the places where biblical events took place. Additionally, we seek to use the methodology behind the sciences to develop students' ability to interact with science from a context of faith. Finally, we will offer courses in related Old Testament topics.

  • Please pray for us as we work through the process of gaining ministry partners.
  • Please pray for the locations in which we will be working with God’shelp.
  • Please pray for our continued openness to God's direction.