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The DRC, formerly a Belgian colony until gaining independence in 1960, has faced numerous challenges, including a history of exploitation, political instability, and devastating conflicts which has led to a major lack of large-scale development. Presently, 86% of the country lacks access to electricity, hindering progress in crucial areas such as healthcare, education, and economic development. Corruption has also hindered infrastructure aid and has spread into the Congolese church, hindering effective Gospel witness and transformation.

Mesa Global's work in the North Kivu province focuses on education through Congo Initiative and providing electricity to underserved communities through Nuru. I will be using my engineering background to assist Nuru in their infrastructure development while also working alongside local churches to make disciples deeply committed to following the Lord in all areas of life.

  • Pray that God would maintain peace in the DRC as significant progress has been made towards stability and development.
  • Pray for God to convict lukewarm believers and corrupt pastors to see the Truth in the Gospel and seek to share it accurately and boldy.
  • Pray for me to make fruitful relationships with the Congolese that further their discipleship along with my own.