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I have been chosen for a summer internship/missions trip this upcoming summer through Mesa Global in Thailand. I am currently working towards a masters in Global Development and Justice which will put me in a position to do missions work and community development all over the world. By participating in this internship, I will be able to experience how God is moving through the world and see what it looks like to bring the gospel to an unreached people group. I will be based in Bangkok, Thailand which is the capital of the country. Thailand is an unreached community with less than 1% of the people being Evangelical Christians'. Mesa Global is working within this country with other churches to bring the good news to the people in the area.

My ministry and role in Thailand will be to bring hope, help, love, and the good news of Christ with my team to a set community. I will be learning about the community I am in, learning as much from them as they are from me.

  • To keep an open mind and find ways to learn and teach all at the same time.
  • For strength in trusting God while I am so fair away from home and sometime in hard situations.
  • For me and my team in reaching the people we are ministering to and putting God at the forefront of it all.