Anthony is meeting the great need in the global church for theology that is biblically faithful, intellectually rigorous, and missionally engaged. God has opened up a once in a lifetime opportunity to produce the theology the global church needs, answering the questions facing us today and coming tomorrow at the evangelical college Wycliffe Hall at the University of Oxford, one of the best and oldest universities in the world, especially for theology. At Wycliffe, many future Christian leaders and ministers from around the world study theology and prepare for ministry.
Anthony is also addressing the significant need for theological education around the world, where access to highly trained theological educators is lacking, e.g. Latin America, Africa, Middle East, Ukraine, by teaching for 2 months of the year in those places and by raising up the next generation of Christian scholars with and from the Global South, including by opening a door for others to do theology at Wycliffe.
- Please pray above all for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
- Pray for wisdom, clarity of thought, and compelling writing in Anthony's theological ministry.
- Pray for Anthony to be captivating, clear, and empowering as he teaches theology around the world.
- Pray for financial provision not only for Anthony's continued theological and missional ministry but also for those whom God is raising up through Anthony's work in Oxford and around the world.