It was in 2011 that Barney responded to a call to serve God in Bolivia and he began to organize short-term teams to assist with mission projects under the ministry banner of ‘A Touch of Compassion – Bethesda Projects’. LAM Canada is pleased to assist Barney in carrying forward the vision of this ministry and to continue its worthwhile work of helping remote churches throughout Bolivia. When possible, the ministry also provides support to national Bolivian pastors for their ongoing work. Barney plans to continue.
A wealth of videos highlighting Barney’s work in Bolivia – as well ashis parents’ work - is available on his YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUd49OMUttBlTIavNlT-9QA
- Pray for each of the pastors in Bolivia and the Ministries that they are working in.
- Pray that people's hearts may be touched to support the Projects and Ministries in Bolivia.
- Pray for wisdom and health for all that are involved in these Ministries.
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