This summer, I will be serving in Mexico for eight weeks through the Avance program. I will experience cross-cultural immersion, participate in Spanish classes, serve in Mexican-led ministries, and attend cross-cultural training sessions. These opportunities will allow me to connect and engage with Mexican culture, learning from the people and participating in ministry at the heart level. I will also learn how to use my gifts to glorify God, becoming more equipped for cross-cultural missional living.
My week will consist of worshiping at a local church 1-3 times per week, serving alongside Mexican ministries 3-5 times per week, taking language classes 2-3 times per week, participating in Avance training and spiritual formation 1-2 times per week, and having a Sabbath day once a week. There will be opportunities for me to be involved in evangelism and discipleship, with a variety of other possibilities as well, such as music classes and children and youth ministry.
- I would appreciate prayers that I will be faithful to grow in spiritual disciplines, in my own prayer life, and in personal holiness so that I will grow more and more like Jesus every day.
- Pray that I will continue to develop my Spanish speaking skills and gain an understanding of the language so that I can communicate more effectively with the people in Mexico.
- Pray that the Lord would use my life to bring others closer to Jesus Christ, and ultimately, that God may be glorified in every moment.