We joined Mesa Global (previously known as United World Mission) in 1980 for Daniel and in 1983 for Myriam. Born in the U.K. to missionary parents, I (Daniel) was raised in Belgium where I came to Christ in 1973. I was trained at Columbia International University (then Columbia Bible College) and at Wheaton College Graduate School. In 2012 I completed a Doctor of Ministry degree from Columbia International University. Myriam, a Belgian citizen, was raised in a strong Christian household. She studied at the Belgian Bible Institute and also completed classes at Columbia International University and Wheaton College. We married in 1983 and have three daughters (’84, ‘86and ‘88) and 2 sons (‘91 and ‘96) as well as twelve grandkids (Enzo 2004, Fanny2011, Julia 2013, Elias 2013, Samiel 2014, Damaris (2018, Emma 2020, Yaël 2020, Serah 2020, Elena 2021, Joas 2022 and Anna 2023.
After close to 20 years of service in pastoral work, in evangelism and mentoring initiatives, we were asked to also supervise Mesa Global's ministry in Europe and later in Africa. After serving in this capacity for over 10 years we asked to be relieved of these international responsibilities in order to assist my (Daniel’s) father as he battled cancer, to concentrate on and deepen our ministry in Belgium and to focus especially on mentoring and facilitating younger leaders. In January 2014 I became President of “The Forum of Evangelists.” This organization seeks to identify, mobilize, train and deploy a new generation of evangelists in many countries around the world. In 2019 I resumed serving as Regional Leader for Mesa Global’s ministry in Europe.